Hilton Head Bluffton Chamber of Commerce Path to Readiness Plan for Restaurants
Restaurant Task Force Phase One Best Practice Recommendations The following Best Practice recommendations are meant to enhance public health and safety in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the first phase of a CDC three-phase reopening plan.
Recommended Steps for Safe Reopening
Bring in staff as early as needed for training and deep cleaning of facilities. Training should include proper hand hygiene and minimal-contact service.
Recommend that employees involved in takeout and delivery service take the free ServSafe COVID-19 Precautions (https://www.servsafe.com/landing-pages/free-courses) training.
Create a checklist of all back-of-house and front-of-house staff and customer touch points and contact areas along with a plan to sanitize them at least once an hour. Allow for more frequent sanitizing of door knobs, cabinet handles, handrails, light switches, kitchen counters and other high-use surfaces.
Cleaning supplies should be single use, such as paper towels and disposable mop heads, or laundered between each use.
Select one person per shift to oversee safety and sanitation to ensure employee compliance of proper handwashing hygiene and sanitation of dining room, restroom, lobby and entrance area at least once an hour.
Create sanitization check list for restrooms. Deep clean and disinfect the entire facility during non-operational hours at least five times per week.
Recommended Employee Safety
Communicate with employees regularly regarding their health status and the health of anyone with whom they may be in close contact.
Send home any staff member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or in contact with someone with the disease or with symptoms of any communicable virus.
Prohibit staff from sharing cups or eating utensils. Allow use of masks and gloves for front-of-house employees who desire to wear them.
Encourage handwashing as often as possible during shift.
Provide readily available hand sanitizer. Set guidelines for server stations to discourage employees from congregating.
Request notification to management from any staff member who has traveled to CDC designated “hot spot.”
Recommended Food Safety
Employees handling food should wear gloves or wash their hands frequently.
Recommended Customer Safety
Provide hand sanitizer at all restaurant entry points.
Discontinue self-serve beverage refills.
Tape or mark 6-foot spacing at the counter and for waiting lines outside the restaurant to avoid overcrowding in the lobby.
Install signage reminding customers to practice social distancing.
Have a protocol in place should you need to expedite the exit of a guest from your restaurant.
Post sign at the door with customer responsibilities The universal sign will ask guests to:
Refrain from entering the restaurant if they feel ill.
Maintain a minimum 6-foot distance from others who are not in their party.
Sneeze or cough into a tissue or elbow.
Refrain from shaking hands or engaging in any unnecessary physical contact.
Post at the door, on your website and menu a safety seal developed by the Chamber of Commerce that shows you are in compliance with The Path Forward Guidelines.
Post a sign on receiving door asking suppliers and vendors with a fever or persistent cough not to enter the building.
Recommended Dining Room Safety
Use sanitizing solutions to clean tables, chairs and check presenters after each seating.
Provide single-use condiments or sanitize condiment containers after each seating.
Use paper menus or disinfect after each use.
Pre-roll utensils in linen napkins or use disposable utensils.
Discontinue buffet and self-service stations or have staff dispense food cafeteria style. Space tables 8 feet apart.
Spacing at the bar should be 8 feet between individuals or small groups (less than 8-thus matching party max per table).
Designate takeout area at the bar for patrons waiting to be seated. (Note: Distancing protocol may change based on government order)
Maximum of eight customers per table. Use outdoor seating whenever possible.
In self-service seating restaurants, place signage on tables/booths to alert guests that they cannot be occupied in compliance with social distancing requirements.
Recommended Other Protective Measures
Install protective acrylic sneeze guard shield at cashier and pickup counters where applicable.
Note: All restaurants must adhere to any new requirements and restrictions mandated by the governor and SCDHEC, as well as SCDHEC Regulation 61-25 regarding public health in food safety operations.
Source: https://www.hiltonheadisland.org/thepathforward